Friday, March 2, 2007

2.5 Grab Yourself A Beer and Listen to some Tunes

The hotel room that I was staying at was small a little red lamp stood on the bedside locker. I had left the light on, the wall was covered in pink little flower wall paper the background was purple. Somewhere in side my head I saw my dad swimming in the sky saying something like it would be okay and that he would stay around for me. That was a load of rubbish I reached over for the bottle opener that somehow made its way underneath the bed. I tired to think how it got there. Perhaps evolution was involved or maybe he grew legs and walked casually under the bed. Perhaps the bottle opener was whistling some tune or maybe it was thinking of all its other bottle opener family that were waiting for him back home. His wife was probably a recovering alcoholic. It probably hated me, hated me for squeezing him and using him for my pleasure. I opened the bottle and put it to my mouth the warm liquid drained down my throat. I lied down under the green satin covers. There was a little radio in the corner of the room on top of the silent TV. “I never knew how much I loved you, Palm springs never looked the same without you.” The lyrics made my head spin, I watched the drink slip out of my hand and the beer slowly dripped out of the long bottle neck. I was going to smell like a drunk. It’s not everyday your father dies even though we were estranged at times I still called him father.

I couldn’t get it out of my head, how he died, where he died, when he died.

“If I had a prison I’d stick you in it…the sunlight needs no miracle to light your eyes.” I couldn’t get those lyrics from Harris Turner, they were strange lyrics almost enough to stick you in a coma and let you hear yourself be heard.

You die in blood and tears, for seven years the time in the night is almost over for the end is here.

Another rubbish song.

Who the hell came up with the lyrics?

My bottle was gone, the drink and everything. The covers I was hiding under were wet, I could feel the beer seeping through the covers, the bottle opener probably made it back to his family by now.

I don’t know when I fell asleep, but all I remember next is waking up with the light streaming through the window, a loud banging noise getting louder and the radio.

Don’t worry baby, don’t worry baby, I’m your man…baby…baby…oh baby…I’m your man.

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